CWC Creative Writing Club

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CWC Creative Writing Club

A fun forum for students to add their own poetry and creative writing!

    And the winner is......

    mr posthill

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2009-05-20

    And the winner is...... Empty And the winner is......

    Post  mr posthill Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:23 pm

    Okay Ladies and Gentleman...time for to announce the winner!

    We are now a fortnight later than planned but that time has let me go through the entries in detail and also use some of them with my classes.

    Well done to everyone that took part the entries were excellent.
    So...without further ado....the winner is....!


    Walking along the eerie corridor. Silence. The dripping of taps, the beeping of alarms. As I turned the corner to walk down the stairs, something moved. Something was still roaming the school. I hurried to my locker. It swung open by itself. Something was there. It wanted to get me!

    A fantastic tense thriller that builds suspense throughout and leaves us with a cliff hanger ending.
    Well done Katieee!!!

    Please could you email me at to organise your choclate prize!

    Once again, a huge thank you to all those who joined in.
    Best of luck with our next competition...comng soon!

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