CWC Creative Writing Club

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CWC Creative Writing Club

A fun forum for students to add their own poetry and creative writing!

    holiday boredom buster!


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-07-31

    holiday boredom buster! Empty holiday boredom buster!

    Post  mrsposthill Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:00 pm

    Hi. Hope you are all enjoying your summer holidays. I thought i'd post a writing task just in case you get a bit bored! As it is the holidays i imagine lots of you are going to the cinema and watching films so this writing task is going to be film based. What i'd like you to do is have a go at writing alternative endings to the films you have seen. For example, i saw Harry Potter the other day and was a bit disappointed, my alternative ending would have seen something horrible happen to that annoying Ginny girl!!! (and i know that sadly nothing ever does because i finished the last one the other day!) Take up the story at whatever point you want, you could even re-write the whole thing if you like or just a few paragraphs. Remember to be as creative as possible.

    There will of course be a prize for the winning story. The winner wont be announced until the start of school as i realise that some of you may not check the site through the holidays so to give you all a chance the closing date is the 1st October.

    Good luck. See you soon.

    Mrs Posthill.

    P.S Katie- i will sort out your prize from the previous competition when we get back- well done! cheers

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:55 am